What You Should Know

A Written Information Security Plan (WISP) is more than just a document; it's a comprehensive strategy. Here's why:

  • Your WISP is a detailed plan: A WISP outlines compliance policies and standards, processes and procedures, tracks assets and inventory, defines roles and responsibilities, provides cybersecurity training, and more.

  • The IRS WISP template provides guidance: The IRS WISP document helps create a complete cybersecurity program, however it is not your comprehensive program.

  • Zeus InfoSec Advantage: We offer a full program based on the IRS mandate, ensuring compliance and protection. You retain control over your cybersecurity program—think of us as your coach, not your gatekeeper.

  • Complete Solution: Our WISP includes everything needed for a robust, effective cybersecurity strategy.

What’s Included in Your WISP?

With Zeus InfoSec, you don’t get just a WISP document. Instead, we’ve designed a comprehensive program based on the IRS WISP mandate. A Written Information Security Plan is not merely a document. The WISP is a plan that should contain the essential components necessary for IRS compliance and the protection of your client's sensitive information. This program offered by Zeus InfoSec includes:

Information Security Policy

The foundation of your WISP and your cybersecurity program

Incident Response Plan

Outlines how your organization will respond to cybersecurity incidents.

Incident Response Tracking Log

Official source for recording, tracking, and responding to incidents.

Asset Tracking Workbook

Essential for tracking your assets, a critical step in assessing risk.

Roles and Responsibilities Matrix

Defines personnel responsible for different functions of incident response, clarifying roles based on permissions (roles-based permissions limit access to data and systems based on an individual's role within the organization).

Rules of Behavior and Conduct

Employee training to fulfill the Information Security policies mandate for cybersecurity training, with yearly security awareness training required.

Risk Assessment Workbook

This workbook has two parts:

  • Risk Assessment - Helps you perform a risk assessment with built-in calculations.

  • Compliance Roadmap - Integrates with the Risk Assessment, recording non-compliant policies, tracking expected compliance timelines, and managing risk.

WISP Management Workbook

Provides everything you need to implement and manage your cybersecurity program.

Employee/Contractor Acknowledgement

Document for all employees and contractors to sign, acknowledging receipt of proper cybersecurity training through the Rules of Behavior and Conduct document.

Why Choose Zeus InfoSec for Your IRS WISP Compliance Needs?

Can you create all these pieces yourself? Definitely! However, we have done the hard work for you, ensuring that each part of this WISP meets the IRS requirements and fulfills the Safeguards Rule. This program is designed around the principles of quality, affordability, and efficiency, bringing together a balanced approach to integrating people, processes, and tools. By choosing Zeus InfoSec, you're not just getting a document; you're investing in a thorough, expertly crafted plan to secure your client's sensitive information and ensure IRS compliance.